When we think of wooden gifts, dated craft products is what usually comes to mind. Are we aware of number of trendy wooden products at our disposal?

A set of wooden accessories, Grovemade, www.grovemade.com
A set of wooden accessories, Grovemade, www.grovemade.com
Kaku wooden bag, Monacca, www.japantrendshop.com
Kaku wooden bag, Monacca, www.japantrendshop.com
Zebra headphones, LSTN, www.lstnsound.co
Zebra headphones, LSTN, www.lstnsound.co
Wooden butterfly, Gutav, www.gutav.com
Wooden butterfly, Gutav, www.gutav.com
Miniot Mk2 iPad cover, www.miniot.com
Miniot Mk2 iPad cover, www.miniot.com
Jupieter wooden wrist watch, We Wood, www.we-wood.us
Jupieter wooden wrist watch, We Wood, www.we-wood.us
Griffin wooden headphones. Woodtones, 
Griffin wooden headphones. Woodtones, www.griffintechnology.com
Wooden clock radio
Vers 1.5R, Vers, 
Wooden clock radio Vers 1.5R, Vers, www.greendepot.com
Wooden wireless charger, Orèe, www.oreeartisans.com
Wooden wireless charger, Orèe, www.oreeartisans.com

Wood has always been a subject of admiration. Pleasant to the touch and eco-friendly, its value is increasing by the day. Wonderfully flirtatious with technological novelites, wooden products are the icing on their cake. The selection of designer gifts that don't pose a threat to the environment is nearly infinite and, above all, extremely impressive. Pick your favorite item and think of tomorrow.

Jan. 15, 2016 Living photo: grovemade

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