Pure adrenaline: the craziest basejumping you've ever seen!

Pure adrenaline: the craziest basejumping you've ever seen!

Urban Mobility: Emicro One Foldable Electric Scooter

Urban Mobility: Emicro One Foldable Electric Scooter

Smartphone security: do you fear you are being tapped?

Smartphone security: do you fear you are being tapped?

The tiniest and lightest GoPro camera: Hero4 Session

The tiniest and lightest GoPro camera: Hero4 Session

Virtual Reality Porn just became real!

Virtual Reality Porn just became real!

Enter your PIN no more. Verify payments via selfie!

Enter your PIN no more. Verify payments via selfie!

Noise barriers producing enough electricity to supply 50 households

Noise barriers producing enough electricity to supply 50 households

The first official plastic bags ban

The first official plastic bags ban

Adidas creates sneakers made entirely of ocean trash

Adidas creates sneakers made entirely of ocean trash

All you need to triple your screen is a USB connection

All you need to triple your screen is a USB connection

Timberland and Pharrell Williams designed eco boots

Timberland and Pharrell Williams designed eco boots

Soon you won't have to charge you mobile phone every day

Soon you won't have to charge you mobile phone every day

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